
Day 13: He Tabernacled In Our Midst

John chapter one uncovers, in just a few verses, the character of God, the purpose of Jesus’ coming, and even lays out what the gift that he is offering those of us who believe. I always pause and savor verse 14 when reading this passage: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The idiom for dwelt among us in Greek is that he tabernacled among us, i.e., he pitched his tent in our midst. Significant to him pitching his tabernacle is the relationship that the Exodus Jews had with the tabernacle. When the Israelites were wandering, the Tabernacle was always in the center of their camp with the twelve tribes arrayed around it. The place where God chose to dwell among the Israelites was in the center where it could not be missed. His presence was unmistakable as his glory was either visibly present or absent.

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

Imagine Jesus, in the flesh, in our midst: God in human form, living, breathing, speaking, listening, healing, hungering, being tempted, praying, crying out to the heavenly father, showing us the Father’s glory, the glory of the One and Only.

Think of the text in Hebrews 3:1 which challenges us: “Fix your thoughts on Jesus . . .” I remind myself regularly that Jesus is encamped right in the center of my life, his glory shining, illuminating every dark, shadowy corner of my heart, not allowing darkness to dwell there. Much better to gaze at His glory than to shut my eyes to Him and stumble in the dark.

Living the missionary life is very like Jesus pitching his tabernacle in the midst of the Israelites when he came to earth. We go, in obedience to and love for Jesus, and make our dwelling in the midst of people needing the Word of God in the language that their hearts speak. Our intention, however imperfectly it is carried out, is to be a picture of Jesus alive and working, offering grace and truth and–significantly–light and life. Morning, noon, night, when it is convenient, when it is not, we seek to breathe out the life of Jesus upon all who will receive him. We seek to make Him known, to be vessels of his glory and character to those who do not have access.

What is it worth to you to have the light shining from the tabernacle that Jesus has pitched in your heart? How valuable is it to you to have His Word in your heart language? Together, fixing our eyes on Jesus, we have a collective opportunity to invest in the future of an entire people, providing them with access to the Word of God in the language that speaks to their hearts. Would you join us in this great adventure?

The Great Adventure
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I’m praying today that the glory and majesty of Jesus will shine through you, in your family, your neighborhood, your city, your country, even to the ends of the earth. I’m praying that even as you go about your daily business, His grace and truth will be your daily bread, even the bread you offer to those around you.

May the Lord make his face shine upon you and give you peace. Blessings!

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