
Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 21

August 31 (Day 21) — Saturday. Jesus spent his Saturdays in the synagogue. He was true to himself, confident in his mission. When the authorities told him to toe the line with tradition, he healed, he surprised, he followed the call given him by his Father in heaven. Pray today for the heart of each one who will be preaching the word tomorrow. Pray that each messenger will be still today, listening to the still, small voice. Pray that their posture will be one of broken submission. Pray for the Spirit’s power and insight to be theirs today. Pray for the people speaking the Somau Garia and Aruamu languages today, that they will be moved to attend a worship service tomorrow, that the Spirit will provoke and encourage them to seek out a Christian gathering tomorrow.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 20

August 30 (Day 20) — Friday. Half way through the journey, friends. How goes the praying? Is Satan buffeting you, challenging you to give up and lay aside the work of intercession. Friends, stand firm. Pray today for yourselves and for others like you who are on the “hump day” of the forty day season today. Pray for clarity to see and acuity to hear what the Spirit is speaking to you in your prayer time. My prayer for you today is that He is filling you with all knowledge through Jesus Christ, that he is giving you the spirit of wisdom and revelation (in increasing measure) that you may know him better. I’m praying for you today that He is sustaining your strength and resolve as you imitate Jesus’ ongoing ministry of intercession, taking us to the Father and praying for us. Let’s pray for one another today.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 19

August 29 (Day 19) — Thursday. Pray for the Owen family, as widely separated as we’ve ever been in this life. Todd in Papua New Guinea, Angela and girls in South Dakota, Samuel in Missouri, Andrew holding down the fort in Florida. God has given each of us different assignments for this period of time and has also given us the resources to carry out his intentions for each of us in our various places. Ask God to place his hand of blessing upon each of us and grant us each influence and voice in each situation we find ourselves in. Especially pray that as we interact with others, that those with whom we have to do will be drawn to Jesus through our words, our actions, our mercy, our fortitude. Pray that Jesus’ name will be held in high esteem.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 18

August 28 (Day 18) — Pray for Marsha Miles today as she is working with Aruamu co-workers on checking portions of the Old Testament. Translation checking is difficult and can be tedious and tiring. Pray for Marsha’s physical and emotional reserves as she works with the Aruamus not only on checking, but as the preparations for the dedication and crusade progress.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 17

August 27 (Day 17) — Tuesday. Continue to pray for Todd’s trans-Pacific journey today. Pray today that one of the Somau Garia friends who has been praying for and anticipating the Owen family’s return will get the word and be able to get into town to meet with Todd and make arrangements for the trip out to Uria Village. This trip involves buying food and other supplies, riding in the back of a flat bed truck for 40 miles, from the main road into the village for a couple of miles, finding a place to sleep for the week (if the house is greatly damaged—a genuine possibility), and setting up housekeeping for the week. Pray for God’s mercy in making these connections and basically getting it done.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 16

August 26 (Day 16) — Monday. August is drawing to a close. Todd is boarding his flight to Papua New Guinea today. Ahead is the unknown. Six years away from Papua New Guinea is a long time. Todd and Angela’s emotions will be swirling today, a mixture of anticipation and butterflies fluttering around in the stomach. Pray for the travel to the airport, for Todd’s luggage, safe passage, and timely connections. Pray that as Todd progresses toward Papua New Guinea, he will be filled with the confidence that comes through the Holy Spirit. Pray with him that even as he flies, God will be preparing the way and moving his angels and people to create divine appointments. Pray for God’s anointing on this time.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 15

August 25 (Day 15) — Sunday. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31) In Papua New Guinea people rarely do things alone. Jesus, here tired and need to restore his inner man, invited his closest followers away to a quiet place to rest. Pray today for the missionary community, for the Christian leaders, and for those heavily involved in the war for the souls of men and women. Ask God to give them wisdom to take rest when it is needed. Ask God to bless their times of rest, making them useful for restoring the soul. Pray that for those in Madang, when they need to rest, power will be on so that fans can run, air conditioners can run (for the office), even the cricket match on telly (some relax to sports) can be viewed. Also ask God to reach down to the depths of the missionaries’ souls and do His work of healing and empowering. Pray also that God will minister deeply to them through the power of his mighty Word in their own heart language.


Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 14

August 24 (Day 14) — Saturday. Pray for PBT’s missionary community in Papua New Guinea—that they will enjoy the kind of rest this weekend that Jesus refers to when he encourages us “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Missionaries often feel hard pressed by shortened resources and many demands. Pray for God’s mercy in bringing unusual rest and refreshment to the team this weekend.



Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 13

August 23 (Day 13) — Samuel turns 18 years old today. Is it possible? Pray for Samuel’s mind and heart today. He is tender toward the Lord. Pray that he will grow in knowledge and wisdom and stature with God and with man. Pray that as he studies, works, and interacts with many that he will be a blessing to all who know him.

Drop him a note at and let him know you’re thinking of him!



Please Pray–August 22, 2013

Please Pray — 22 August 2013

Just sitting in a restaurant that has Wi-Fi, jotting some final thoughts before heading back to the place we are staying. Just a few days before jumping across the big pond. Pray for Todd as he prepares his mind and heart throughout the weekend for the journey. Pray for the Holy Spirit to encircle and fill Todd’s mind and heart with peace, truth, and focus to hear what the Spirit is speaking–also for clarity. Pray for Angela and the girls as they are away from home for the next month. Pray for God’s peace to be theirs, for his Spirit to quiet and move in them, for them to reflect Christ’s glory in each situation that they encounter. Pray for the boys as they study, work, relax, make new friends, and listen for the still, small Voice.

Your prayers are making a significant difference. Keep them going up!