September 8 (Day 29) — Sunday. Things are heating up in heavenly places today. Todd and the Somau Garia guys have been talking by now and things are progressing in getting the translation program back on track. The Spirit of God is working in the hearts of these men and women to establish his plan for this people to be gathered around the throne, before the Lamb, singing, worshipping, honoring the name of Jesus and ascribing power and majesty to him in eternity. The enemy looks at the victory Jesus has and is insanely jealous and angry. The Aruamu team is preparing to travel to Tiap Village for an evangelistic crusade, for dedication of the Word of God in digital audio, making it accessible to those who cannot read or write. The fate of thousands of Papua New Guineans from these two peoples are weighed in the balance today as mild-mannered servants do one thing: obey the call. Pray for God’s servants today. Pray for the warfare that they are engaging in today. Pray that they will be filled with the Spirit in an especially powerful way today, that the enemy will be intimidated and neutralized as they move toward the goal of their journey. Pray for the Lord to go before them, to come behind them as their rear guard, to undergird and overshadow them by the strength of his mighty right arm.