
Praying 40 Days to Freedom — Day 24

September 3 (Day 24) — Tuesday. There are about 4,000 Somau Garia speakers, yet this people wields profound power throughout northern Papua New Guinea by means of their shamans and sorcerers. Imagine if these same people were known all over northern Papua New Guinea for their holiness and devotion to Christ, for his working in their midst! Pray today that many of these 4,000 will turn away from traditional deities, from devotion to practices and behaviors that hurt them, to the living Christ, the one who has removed death’s sting, won the victory, and did a victory march with captives in his train. Pray that my Somau Garia friends will know the freedom that is only possible in Jesus Christ, through the work accomplished on the cross, the life and power given through his resurrection from the dead, and through the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that these friends will become famous for faith!


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