Thank You for Praying
Many of you prayed along with our family through 40 Days to Freedom. I can’t thank you enough for the commitment, the kindness, and the impact you made in making that sacrificial journey with us. Since returning to the States I’ve taken time to process and reflect on the lessons learned and to thank God for his kindness in taking me on that journey with Him. He helped renew many things, one of which was joy, the kind that is born of purpose and in walking consistently with the way He made me. This rediscovered joy has ignited fresh passion and vision for God and his Kingdom.
The 40 day season of prayer has come and gone. (For an audio update, click here .) Now it is time to do the harder work of asking God for power to complete the passion, to drive the vision, to bring us once again to Papua New Guinea for service. Would you pray with us regularly toward this end? If you pray for us regularly or would like to do so, would you drop me a line at ? In the mean time, would you lift these things heavenward?
Ask God
- Ask God to provide many, many opportunities for us to share the story, invite others to join the team, and to encourage the saints.
- Ask God to raise up partners for Bible translation among the Somau Garia people of Papua New Guinea.
- Ask God to ignite our passion, empower our spirits, and catalyze our actions in order that we might get to the field as soon as possible.
- Ask God to provide for our physical, social, spiritual, and financial needs.
Thank God
- Thank God for going ahead of us in all things.
- Thank God for providing each month for our needs.
- Thank God for his provision of righteousness through Jesus Christ, without whom we would have no opportunity to be reconciled to God.