The last few days I’ve been writing about dreams and visions, but there is a time to take vision and give it hands and feet. That’s what God did when fulfilling the promise He’d made to Abraham all those years ago–that he would bless all nations through him.
The promise was for the Son to leave his dwelling above and make his dwelling below, on the earth. The promise was for the Son to limit himself to live life as a man: a man who tired and hungered and bled and died–and lived.
God didn’t drop a golden scroll out of the sky with which to teach mankind how to be reconciled. He sent Jesus to fulfill the promise, to walk the walk, to talk the talk, to die the death, to rise to life again. He sent Jesus to cry with widows, to laugh with wedding guests, to whip the backs of thieves selling religion in a place of prayer. He sent Jesus to heal the sick, set the oppressed free, to bind up the brokenhearted, to declare the year of the Lord’s favor. He sent Jesus to seek and save the lost.
Likewise, today, he doesn’t drop his Word out of the sky in indigenous languages throughout the world with instructions on how to be reconciled. He puts hands and feet and serious limitations upon his witnesses and He sends them out with the testimony of Jesus and with all the skills need to take an ancient set of writings and translate them into those indigenous languages. He gives hands and feet to the Life, He gives missionaries to show the Way, He gives Bible translators to show them the Truth.
Like Jesus leaving his home “country” to become hands and feet with us, so we go as Jesus did to become his hands and feet in Uria, to bring the Word to the Somau Garia people. In 2007 the Word did come to Uria, when the Gospel According to Mark was dedicated. 26 more books remain. Much life remains to be lived, tears shed, people brought to be reconciled to Him.
Pray today with us that in this season of celebration, God the Father will give the Somau Garia people reason for special celebration–by raising up 40 new monthly financial ministry partners, 40 new special needs givers, and 40 new intercessors to pray with us through the joys and sorrows of translating the New Testament into the Somau Garia language of Papua New Guinea.
Thank you for your generosity and prayers. Pray fervently!