From the very first words of his Gospel account, John has been establishing Jesus’ deity: as God, Creator, pre-existent, eternal.
The first witness he called was John the Baptist, who was baptizing near Bethany across the Jordan River. John identified Jesus as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world1” and as “the Son of God2”. He goes so far as to direct Philip and Nathaniel to Jesus, thus beginning to relinquish his influence to the One who rightly deserved it.
A Wedding
John then places the reader in Cana3, about eight or so miles north of Nazareth, at a wedding. It is here that John the apostle says that Jesus performed the very first sign showing that he is, indeed, Messiah. The witness to his deity, in a moment, shifts from external (John the Baptist’s preaching) to internal (a demonstration of his power).
There is much speculation about the specific meaning of the act itself—changing the water into high quality wine. Some point to the significance of Jesus starting his public ministry at a wedding, foreshadowing the wedding feast of the Lamb, when Jesus marries his bride, the Church.
Others speculate that the water, used for the purification rites of ancient Israel, was being replaced by a better purification, that is, by Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. Indeed, Jesus later connects the Passover cup to the blood he would shed on the cross4.
One might speculate that Jesus turned something common into something remarkable.
However compelling these sound, they are all speculation. But there are things that can be known without speculating.
A Son
First, the relationship that Jesus had with his mother and siblings changed. Mary is mentioned twice in John, here and later while Jesus is hanging on the cross. In both instances, Jesus refers to her as γυνη, “woman”, rather than the more intimate term, “mother”.
His response to Mary in regards to the lack of wine for celebration reflected that change of relationship. “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not come.” While he is respectful of her, he subtly reminds her that his priorities are now aligned with his role as Messiah, not as her firstborn son.
A Sign
Second, despite what appears to be initial reluctance to comply with her wishes, Jesus quietly does as she asked. Very few in attendance were aware of it: Mary, Jesus, and his disciples. Verse eleven states, “This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.”
These words remind us of John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
As the disciples witnessed the sign, which brought to light the glory of the Son, they believed. John always refers to these supernatural occurrences as signs rather than works or miracles. The signs affirmed that Jesus was the anticipated Messiah and is the Son of God. The signs were performed not to impress or gain power, but that you might “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
John wrote his Gospel for a wider audience, which included many Gentiles who were unfamiliar with Jewish life and practice. He writes the account in such a way as to produce faith in the reader/hearer.
The Son of God
Jesus, affirmed by his Father at his baptism, by triumphing over Satan in the wilderness, and returning home to begin his public ministry, is found to be “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” and “the Son of God”.
Questions for reflection:
What is your relationship with Jesus? Is it constant or has it changed over time?
How have the signs written in John’s Gospel affected your belief? Do you believe?
Do your acts of obedience show the glory of Christ in you?
The first paragraph of Revelation closes with the potentially ominous words, “take to heart what is written in it [the prophecy], because the time is near.” (Revelation 1:3, NIV). These words set the tone for a book that seems cryptic, yet is titled the Revelation to John, giving the reader the idea that something hidden is being unveiled to John (and by extension, to us).
John reports that Jesus sent this God-given message through an intermediary–an angel–to John, who was a reliable and trusted witness of all that he saw: the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. His purpose in relaying the message to John was so that he would proclaim it to show God’s servants what must soon take place.
Who Jesus Is
John begins by establishing the nature and character of the One giving the message, Jesus, describing him as follows:
Him who is, and who was, and who is to come (vs. 4)
the faithful witness (vs. 5)
the firstborn from among the dead (vs. 5)
the ruler of the kings of the earth (vs. 5)
the one who loves us (vs. 5)
the one who has freed us from our sins by his blood (vs. 5)
the one who made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father (vs. 6)
the Alpha and Omega (vs. 8)
the Almighty (vs. 8)
the First and the Last (vs. 17)
the Living One (vs. 18)
While in the Gospels we observe Jesus teaching his followers, performing miracles, preaching the Kingdom of Heaven, here we see Jesus resurrected, ascended, glorified, victorious, active in the affairs of his body, the Church.
Where We See Him
As John prayed, the veil between heaven and earth was rent. He no longer saw only his surroundings on Patmos, he saw into the heavenly realms. Hearing a loud voice behind him, he turned, fallingas though dead at the sight of the exalted, glorified Jesus. The Ancient of Days stood before him in the midst of seven lampstands, dressed as a priest, supernatural, powerful, overwhelming in his holy presence.
We are told that these golden lampstands represented the seven churches of Asia.
This image was posted by the EarthtoSpiritWarrior Channel on Youtube on August 2, 2015.
What was Jesus Doing There?
Priests, in Old Testament times, were the ones chosen to move about inside the Tabernacle (later the Temple). The ministered before God, making sacrifices, tending to the show bread, offering incense, and so on. They also tended the golden lampstand. They kept the oil filled, they trimmed the wicks, they insured that the light would not be extinguished in the Holy Place. Writes Moses in Exodus 27:20 and following:
“You shall command the people of Israel that they bring to you pure beaten olive oil for the light, that a lamp may regularly be set to burn. In the tent of meeting, outside the veil that is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening to morning before the Lord. It shall be a statute forever to be observed throughout their generations by the people of Israel.”
Exodus 27:20-21, ESV
In other words, keeping the light burning was of highest importance. This room in the tabernacle separated the outer court from the Holy of Holies. Without the continual light burning in the lamps of the lampstand, the room containing the Bread of the Presence (symbolizing God’s nurturing presence) and the Altar of Incense (symbolizing the prayers of the saints) would go dark. Ministry in this space would cease. Only darkness would exist between the Holiest Place (containing the Ark of the Covenant) and the outer court where priests made animal sacrifice.
We might then deduce that Jesus, dressed in priestly garments, was moving among the lampstands, filling them with oil, trimming the wicks, insuring that the light will not go out.
It is noteworthy that earlier in the chapter, as John erupts in doxology, he proclaims that Jesus “made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father . . .”
So the church exists in that space between the Holiest Place where God dwells and the outer courts of the world. The church is the bearer of light, the container of oil that burns brightly for the King of Kings. And there in that Holy Place, moving among the lampstands, is Jesus Christ, the Holy One, filling the lamps with oil (symbolizing the Holy Spirit), trimming the wicks so that the lamps will burn bright and clear (not the smokey, smouldering flames characteristic of damaged wicks), so that the light will not go out.
Light in a Dark World
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1:1-5, ESV
Jesus himself said of his followers, “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) His Spirit fuels our light. His Word keeps us walking with him.
“Your word is a light for my feet, a light on my path.”
Psalm 119:105
Jesus is quite serious about keeping the light burning bright and clear. He is not averse to disciplining his followers in order to cut away that which would dim their witness and dull their love.
His words are given to the seven churches, not merely the messengers of those churches. The criticisms that are leveled against the churches of Asia are leveled against congregations, not merely the individuals comprising the congregation. The expectation is that these congregations will experience life together, will discipline one another, will assemble in order to encourage one another, all the more as the Day draws near. Note the words of the writer to the Hebrews:
“And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV
It is in the context of the assembly that we find:
Mutual Prayer
To our shame, there are many who consider themselves followers of Jesus that have been deceived by the spirit of the age, believing that there are no consequences for sin or pursuit of self. Many falsely believe that you can follow Jesus without being part of the church. To believe that you can be a follower of Jesus without being part of the church is like believing that a leg can function in and of itself without being attached to a body. A leg detached from a body simply putrefies into a rotting, malodorous puddle of stench. Likewise, when we detach ourselves from the body, we become vulnerable to deception (including self-deception), loss of passion, discouragement, error, etc.
Henceforth, Jesus walks amidst the church, disciplining us for our own good. He calls us out on that which we have abandoned. He encourages us in what is right and good. And he leaves us with a stern warning (as is seen in the letter written to the Ephesian congregation): “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.” (Rev. 2:5)
As I read those words, my mind is drawn back into the image of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. In Revelation, rather than there being a menorah with seven branches, there are seven separate lampstands, each one giving its light into the darkened space between the Holiest Place and the outer court. I see the glorified Christ tending to each lamp and finding one that is smoking and smouldering and filling the Holy Place with acrid smoke. I see him removing it from the space to prevent that space from becoming polluted.
Our Light
Even though each of us is part of a congregation (hopefully), we are also individuals. God pours the light of life into each of us when we repent and are joined to him in baptism. We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when we are buried and raised with Him. We are given spiritual gifts that are to be used to build up the body. We are extended grace through faith. What we do in our hearts and minds and with our hands and feet affects the life of the body. We are not our own. We were bought with a price.
Because we have surrendered our rights and have accepted the exhortation to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him, we must each choose daily to live in light of our impact on others. Our choices impact the community.
The world’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been used by the Lord to trim the wicks of the lamps. He has used it to expose the fissures in the foundation of our philosophy and practice. He has used it to force the issue with us that following Jesus isn’t about “Your best life now . . .” or your “best year ever” or about “being true to yourself”. He has used it to show us where our loyalties truly lay. James exhorts us to not let ourselves be polluted by the world, yet . . .
Satan wants to use this season to unleash hell on earth. In his fury he wants to destroy the church, isolate believers, and bring us to ruin. He wants to snuff out our light. But we have the promises, don’t we? “The light shines in the darkness, but darkness has not overcome it.” “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail.” “To him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the tree of life . . .”
We do well, beloved, to use this season which Satan means for evil to use it for good: to take stock of our lives, our assumptions, our practice and to turn a corner through repentance, surrender, and a renewed, deepened love for God and his Word.
” . . . the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.”
Do you get that tingling sensation in your stomach as the first words of a new book pass before your eyes? Are you immediately consumed by the story, carried away by the artistry of a master author? John’s Revelation has stirred this in me more than once over the years. John teaches us so much about the real Jesus–Jesus ascended to heaven, Jesus on the throne, Jesus the conquering King. As you read the Apocalypse, you can see Jesus, mounted on a white horse charging into Armageddon bent on vanquishing the enemy of our souls. This is the true Jesus, the Jesus we need in these tumultuous days.
With this post I’ve begun writing down reflections on this important book—not to present a detailed eschatology (study of last things), but to pull back the veil and peek into the shadows of some very challenging prophecy. I do not intend to spell out a system explaining 70 weeks or 7 years or the kind of stuff made into movies. Rather I want to draw out the life found in this cryptic book, like drawing water from a well. Revelation is about more than signs and symbols. It is a letter that can empower us to conquer today. Inasmuch as Revelation is the gospel itself, hidden from enemies, revealed to believers, it is powerful for salvation. As Paul wrote to those at Rome: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes . . .” (Romans 1:16, ESV) John paints on the canvas of our minds images of creatures and thrones and seals and terror and comfort and victory. There is holy war. There is tension and wonder and finally, resolution to the rebellion and sin that led mankind down the path of destruction.
It is my pleasure to share these reflections with you and my prayer that you find something in them to build you up in your most holy faith. Come journey with me through the pages of Revelation as we walk the path together that leads to the throne of grace, equipped and steadfast, following the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts, the first of which is entitled Jesus Among the Lampstands . . .
When I started several years ago, my intention was to help believers in Christ not only stand firm in the evil day, but forcefully advance the Kingdom of God despite the overwhelming opposition of society. I’ve been busy living in a developing nation, discipling believers, translating the New Testament, trying to stay afloat. My high aspirations for this website have fallen far short of what I’d hoped to do with it.
Lately, I’ve been feeling increasing urgency to prepare believers for a level of opposition that few have ever known. Intense opposition is the norm for many believers around the world. People in those contexts have endured the unspeakable, yet continue to stand. Not so much in the West.
The best way that I know to prepare believers for what lay ahead is to drill down into the Word of God and draw out the meaning, exhortation, nourishment, and hope found there. After all:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV
I covet your prayer as I step into a new season of study, writing, prayerful thinking, and preparation. I ask you to pray that the Father will grant me sharp focus, a heart tender toward Him, skillful word-smithing, and clear understanding of His word in order that I might serve Him and you well in this endeavor.
A few weeks ago I published an article entitled At Hand which you can read here. The urgency of the New Testament writers (in that case, Paul, Peter, and John) was unmistakable. The world of their time was pagan and poised against the subjects of the King of Kings. Their rulers were notorious for their extreme immorality and their violent reigns.
Imperial Persecution
Emperor Nero was representative of many of the Roman emperors. According to Henry Halley (Halley’s Bible Handbook), under Nero’s persecution “many Christians were crucified, or thrown to wild beasts, or wrapped in combustible garments and burned to death while Nero laughed at the pitiful shrieks of burning men and women. Paul and Peter suffered martyrdom in Nero’s persecution.”
Nero is most known today for his maniacal fiddling while Rome burned. There were a litany of emperors between Nero and Domitian, who exiled John. Nero committed suicide, leaving the throne to Galba who reigned a grand total of 7 months and 7 days at which time he was murdered by the Praetorian Guard. Then came Otho, appointed by the Praetorian Guard who reigned for 3 months and 1 day. He committed suicide after losing a battle. Vitellius followed, reigning 8 months and 3 days before being murdered by Vespasian’s troops. Vespasian replaced him and ruled nearly a decade before dying of natural causes. Then came Titus, Vespasian’s son, who ruled 2 years and 2 months before dying of fever. Finally came Domitian, who ruled 15 years and 4 days before being murdered by court officials.
During Domitian’s reign, John was exiled to the island of Patmos where he penned Revelation, having survived, according to Fox’s Book of Martyrs, being boiled in oil.
Modern Persecution
Though most of us have not suffered under this sort of rule, patterns and trends would point toward the possibility that, as our societies disintegrate and people attempt to cast off moral restraint, people will eventually demand some sort of powerful rule, whether a government system or a strong individual. What followed the October Revolution of 1917? Stalin’s reign of terror. What followed the Wiemar Republic and the stripping of Germany’s military might following WWI? The rise of national socialism and its leader, Adolf Hitler. Pol Pot led the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, leaving a legacy of murder. What of Chairman Mao and the cultural revolution in China? Or Fidel Castro in Cuba?
In each of these situations, followers of Jesus have suffered persecution. Stalin instituted the Gulag. Chinese Christians have consistently suffered intense persecution and opposition since the cultural revolution. Hitler’s government not only exterminated 6 million Jews, it imprisoned and executed political opponents and Christians who did not hold with the party’s brutality and extreme evil.
It seems that humanity is once again attempting to set the stage for 20th-century-like upheaval. Creation groans. Humanity is drunk with rebellion and notions of revolution. This generation desires to cast off all restraint. Many of our information sources are merely propaganda machines, spreading dissension and hate toward all that is holy. As we drift along the flow of history (past and future), proponents and servants of the world system increasingly attempt to silence the voice of reason and holiness.
When I was new to the Lord I learned an oft sung chorus simply called The Doxology. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow/Praise Him, All creatures here below/Praise him above ye heavenly host/Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” It was sung after communion or at the end of the church service, in keeping with the Biblical tradition of book-ending a section of text with a “word of glory”, an ascription of value and worth to God. While this chorus is actually a Catholic prayer, doxologies are found throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Lately I’ve been thinking about doxology and this is what I’ve concluded: doxology has a powerful place in daily life. Consider the doxology included in the introduction to Revelation.“To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”(Revelation 1:5-6, ESV) This one doxology, if internalized, has the power to revolutionize your life. In fact, this would be a great passage to meditate on at the beginning of each day this week.
This doxology is ascribed to Jesus and begins: “To him who loves us . . .” There are days when it can be a stretch to remember that He loves me. Perhaps I’ve not bothered to confess my sin and I’m feeling estranged from Him. Maybe the woes of walking in this world become heavy and I’ve neglected to release them to Him. Or I read the words and they merely bounce around my mind, never taking root in my heart. But not only did Jesus tell us that he loved us, he showed us. He said to his disciples in the closing hours of his ministry in his body: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13, ESV) That is precisely what He did for us. Allow this truth to sink down through the layers of your mind into the depths of your heart. Allow this truth to be a cornerstone to the foundation of your faith.
The doxology continues: ” . . and has freed us from our sins by his blood . . .” His love moved him from the Garden to Golgotha. Bloodied and tortured, he was nailed to a Roman cross in order to provide our reconciliation to the Father in Heaven who, by the way, loves us, too. When we were helpless slaves to our rebellion and rejection of God, he surrendered to the cross to free us to walk from death to life.
Having washed us by his blood, reconciling us to the Father, he ” . . . made us a kingdom . . . “ Not only did we become subjects to the King of Kings, he gave us a place of honor, allowing us to become kings with him, to share in his rule of the nations of the earth in the age to come.
He also gave us the privilege of becoming ” . . . priests to his God and Father “, that is to become mediators between the lost ones and the Father. Having been reconciled to the Father, we represent Christ to the world, appealing to its children to be reconciled to God. We not only intercede for the lost, we do all in our power to bring them to the Heavenly Father, that they too may be freed from their sins and be made new creations. At this point the John puts hands and feet on the high praise given the King: ” . . . to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” May this never be merely a statement we make by rote before moving on with our day. First, says John, honor God with your life–forever. Second, surrender rule of your affections, attitudes, and actions to God the Father–also forever. That is, give him dominion of your being.
Meditating on these profound truths allows us the opportunity to begin our day basking in the love and gifts of God. As the truths take hold of our hearts, we respond by yielding the right to rule ourselves to God the Father, inviting him to show his glory, character, and majesty through us to draw a rebellious world to himself.
I’ve read a lot over the years about spiritual warfare–out of necessity, of course. I’ve been hip-deep in it more times than I’d like to remember. While some thinking in circulation rings true, other thinking is just zany. It takes more effort than expected to separate the zany from the true, searching the Scriptures and testing the “spirits”.
Most discussion (sound or unsound) includes the topic of spiritual weaponry. Yet to rush into talking about spiritual weapons without laying a solid Biblical foundation is folly. Weapons are useful only if you know how to use them. Their effective use implies the use of solid tactics, which themselves are employed within thoughtful strategies.
Warfare or Paintball?
We have been guilty in the 21st century church of treating the war for the souls of men and women like a game of paintball. We wage an ersatz war which we often don’t truly believe has consequences. Sure, maybe in some theoretical existence, but day to day? After all, what’s really at stake in a game of paintball? A little soreness? A loss of face if your team loses? You have a little fun then go back to “real life” when it is over.
Rather than rush into an overly familiar treatment of spiritual weaponry, permit me to turn your attention to a more foundational facet of spiritual warfare: authentic relationship. Real soldiers, trained and armed, move into harms way. Imitators play paintball on the weekends.
Sceva and His Sons
Acts chapter 19 illustrates this well. Sceva was a Jewish high priest during the earliest days of the church. His seven sons were itinerant exorcists. Lexicographers Johannes Louw and Eugene Nida* define an exorcist as “one who drives out evil spirits by invoking supernatural persons or powers or by the use of magic formulas“.
Though these sons were well respected, religious and active in engaging the enemy, they were nameless in the realm where demonic spirits traffic. They had a religious reputation without accompanying spiritual power. They saw Paul doing miracles in Jesus’ name and wanted in on the gig. So they treated His name as a mantra, a talisman, a magical word of power wedged into an empty formula.
I live and work in a culture where magic formulas are the religious norm. Rites and rituals are expected to control spiritual entities and bend the course of society. They are used for revenge or evil. They are also used for good (healing, fertility, fruitfulness in gardening, etc.) But much like the sons of Sceva, practitioners find that the mantras don’t transform, power words don’t stop suffering, and use of talismans don’t delay the inevitable.
Paul warns Timothy that in the last days this sort of thing will become common in the church. Consider 2 Timothy 3:
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.
2 Timothy 3:1-5, ESV
What was it in Paul’s use of Jesus’ name that was different?
Authentic Relationship & Delegated Authority
Paul lived in authentic relationship with Jesus. That relationship resulted in Paul using delegated authority as he confronted Satanic powers. This is not unlike a military chain of command. In the U.S., Congress declares war. The general staff utilizes strategy to draw up orders which are given to their subordinates. Those subordinate officers give orders to officers subordinate to them and it goes all the way down the chain to enlisted men who carry out orders–orders which are based on an ultimate strategy (at least ideally). The gunnery sergeant giving an order to a subordinate is analogous to a general giving an order to a subordinate. The gunnery sergeant is operating on the delegated authority, ultimately, of Congress.
Sceva’s sons were not in relationship with Jesus. They had no delegated authority. The evil spirits had no obligation to respond to these men at all. And so rather than obeying a bunch of imposters throwing “magic” words at them, they did quite the opposite.
“The evil spirit answered them, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?’ And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Acts 19:15-16, ESV
Any use of spiritual weaponry must begin with an authentic relationship with Jesus. If we are to operate in his delegated authority, we must be in subjection to His authority over us. Does this mean that we must be perfect? Of course not. Does it mean that we are living according to works? God forbid. It does mean that we operate on Jesus’ authority and command. He is the head, we are the body. He is the one given strategy, we carry out his strategy.
Results of Authenticity
What results when we act on delegated authority derived from authentic relationship?
“And this became known to all the residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. And fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord was extolled. Also, many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices . . . So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.”
Acts 19:17-20, ESV
Next Post . . .
In the next post, let’s unpack what it means to walk in authentic relationship . . . See you there!
*Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains (Louw and Nida)
Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian general considered to be one of the most prolific and influential Western thinkers on the subject of war. You’ve likely never heard of him, though you’ve probably encountered his ideas. In his 1832 piece, entitled Vom Kriege (On War), he writes, “War is the realm of uncertainty; three quarters of the factors on which action in war is based are wrapped in a fog of uncertainty. A sensitive and discriminating judgment is called for, a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth.”
190 years later, warfare continues to be “wrapped in a fog of uncertainty.” Communications get garbled, soldiers misunderstand orders, units can become paralyzed with confusion.
Eastern military philosophers were familiar with the concept of the fog of war and used it to their advantage. Well known Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu writes, “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” (Sun Tzu, The Art of War). Sun Tzu’s ideas, 2,500 years after their introduction, continue to be standard military doctrine because they are effective.
Do you suppose that there is any application of these principles to spiritual war?
Satan and Sun Tzu were apparently reading from the same playbook. Consider the following:
“The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy . . .” John 10:10
“ . . . The devil . . . does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders thatserve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
In the Garden of Eden the serpent deceives Eve by playing on her desires: “Did God actually say . . .?” He contradicts God’s word, lying to her, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:1-5
While Sun Tzu describes how to successfully attack an enemy, von Clausewitz gives us insight into how to overcome our adversary in spiritual war. “A sensitive and discriminating judgment is called for, a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth.”
Our posture toward truth can help us when all else fails. Paul commented to the church at Thessalonica: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” What is your posture toward truth? Do you discriminate good from bad, truth from error? How are your truth skills? Have you bought the lie that all judgement is bad?
To test your posture, consider some common daily habits and ask yourself a few questions.
What do you feel like when you’ve spent even a few moments on social media?
Do you find peace or encouragement there?
What is the state of your soul when you step away from the screen?
What do you read?
How does the content of your reading affect your heart?
Are you more equipped to walk with courage and boldness or less?
Are you strengthened or do you find it more difficult to focus on “things above where Christ is seated”?
If you were to write down what you do from hour to hour on any given day, what would you find?
What is the focus of your free time?
Is there adequate space given to God for growth in that relationship?
Are you giving time to cultivate truth in your mind rather than the incessant message the world inserts into your consciousness?
Jesus called our enemy the “god of this age”. He is a master of propaganda and makes the most of every opportunity to corrupt our thinking. He tugs at our hearts with images, stories or even fear-mongering diatribes that can drive us into a state of confusion, discouragement, jealousy, heartache, or despair. He uses deception to bring us to our knees, cowering and quivering before him, attempting to make us wonder if we’ll make it through this life intact. This is the fog of war.
We must make every effort to infuse our souls with Truth. We must remember whose we are and why he called us out of darkness. When we are tempted to allow ourselves to be crushed by the confusion, mayhem, and onslaught, we must cry out to heaven for intervention, leaning into the Truth. We must ignore the crushing weight of deception that would steal our confidence, joy, and effectiveness. We must remember to use the powerful and effective weapons with which we have been equipped (I will save a fuller treatment of these for future posts).
As von Clausewitz suggests, we must be sensitive and discriminating in our judgment. The best judgment is informed by objective Truth, not cultural relativism, overly emotional reaction, or some personal ax to grind. We must resist reacting by disciplining ourselves to look first to the Scriptures, their Author, and to the Holy Spirit for discernment of truth and error. We must sharpen our minds with the file of holy living and focused thinking. Only then will we be able to see through deception, not allowing ourselves to be outflanked by our enemy. We must have the mind of Christ.
Finally, we must embrace the truth that soldiers go into battle together, not alone. Those who attempt to go it alone get killed. Sometimes it takes a comrade to help us refocus our attention on the reality without rather than the fear/hesitation/misunderstanding within.
In the coming months I will be writing more deeply about the following questions:
What are the weapons of our warfare?
How can we have the mind of Christ? How do we “scent out the truth”?
What can we use to defend ourselves against the onslaught?
Out here on the edge of the world, 10,000 miles from all things American, we hear only what comes via news outlets and websites. It is more commentary than journalism, polarized and politicized. Because of that, the truth is difficult to discern.
Believers from many different theological backgrounds try to connect current events with the imminent return of Christ or the arrival of anti-Christ or some global cataclysm that will force us to submit to a one-world government. Others believe it is merely a recycling of historical patterns—after all, man is fallen and hasn’t really changed that much over the millennia. Whatever your thinking, there is a notable waxing fear in the West with an attendant desire to escape what lay ahead.
A prominent truth for believers, however, will allow us to stand apart from fear and escapism as beacons of light in the gathering darkness: you have been sealed by God and marked.
What is a seal, anyway?
In antiquity, a seal was either a cylinder (hung on a cord and worn around the neck) or a signet ring that bore the mark of its owner. It could also be a bracelet or stamp. The seal was embossed with its identifying mark so that, when pressed into a malleable material (like clay or wax), it left its imprint.
Seals Mark Identity or Ownership
Consider the rather unusual story of Judah and Tamar as found in Genesis 38. Tamar is married to Judah’s son, who dies before giving her a child. Onan is expected to take Tamar as a wife and produce an heir for his late brother, which he refuses and is struck dead. Judah refuses to give Tamar to his other son and so Tamar is left destitute and goes into mourning, a young widow.
At some point later, Judah’s wife dies and, as he is going to the town of Timnah to shear his sheep, he decides to take comfort in the arms of a prostitute. Little does he know that the “prostitute” is indeed his daughter-in-law, Tamar. He promises to send her a young goat in payment, but she demands his seal, his cord, and his staff as collateral in case he doesn’t send the goat, which he gives to her. She becomes pregnant and returns home with his identifying items.
A few months later pregnancy is obvious. She is accused of immorality, which could result in her stoning. In a coup de grace, she produces Judah’s seal, cord, and staff as proof that it was Judah who was in the wrong. His seal identified him as guilty.
Seals Validate Character
Seals not only identify ownership, they validate character. John six is a litany of trademarks of Jesus’ character as the Son of Man. The chapter begins with the miraculous feeding of 5,000 men (plus women and children). As a result, the people tried to make him king by force. Before they could, however, he withdrew to a solitary place on the mountain to pray. As he withdrew,, the disciples attempted to cross the lake, though the wind was against them. Jesus finished praying and walked to them on the water. Next morning the diners rushed to find Jesus when they discovered that he and his disciples were gone.
“You aren’t seeking me because you saw the signs, you’re chasing me because you got a free meal. Stop working for food that rots! Work for the enduring food which the Son of Man will give you.For on him God the Father has set his seal.” God the Father validated Jesus’ character as the Son of Man via the miracles. He placed his mark (or seal) upon him.
Seals Secure
Numerous times in both Old and New Testaments seals are used to guarantee that what has been closed will not be illicitly opened. In Daniel 6:17 we find Daniel in the lion’s den which has been covered by a stone and sealed with Darius’s signet and that of his lords. His unbroken seal would prove that no one removed Daniel from the lion’s den during the night.
In the New Testament, when Jesus’ dead body is laid in the tomb, Pilate orders the stone to be sealed with what is presumably a rope and seal—to prevent someone from secretly removing his body and claiming resurrection.
Seals Mark a Binding Agreement
A poetic and beautiful example of this is found in Song of Solomon 1:8: “Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is as strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave.” The binding agreement here is love and lasting commitment. The imagery is transformative. The Song of Solomon is believed by many to be fulfilled in the marriage of Messiah to His Bride, the Church. The love of the husband took him into death and the grave—and out again. He sealed the marriage with his own blood.
As interesting as these tidbits might be, the question remains, “What does it mean for us to be sealed?”
Paul writes the following to the church at Ephesus: “In him [Jesus] you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we take possession of it . . .” (Ephesians 1:13-14). And later, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)
We are sealed (imprinted, stamped, marked) by the Holy Spirit. We bear his mark, inscription, and character. In the Holy Spirit a binding agreement is sealed, secured, and validated.
When we were sealed with the Holy Spirit, we relinquished ownership of ourselves. God the Father placed his mark of ownership upon us. Writes Paul to the church at Corinth, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Those who choose to disbelieve the gospel are blinded. They too bear a mark or seal. It covers their attitude (forehead) and their actions (right hand). They plunge into a flood of dissipation that will lead them straight to the fiery lake and the coming judgement. We might even call their mark the mark of the beast.
Those who choose to believe the gospel are sealed with the Holy Spirit. We walk in tandem with the Lamb who took away the sins of the world. We follow him wherever he goes and He writes his name and the name of His God on our foreheads (he changes our minds and hearts).
What Ezekiel Said
Ezekiel 9 paints a poignant picture of being sealed with the Holy Spirit. God is about to execute judgment upon Jerusalem for their idolatry. He calls six executioners to the temple. With them is a man dressed in white linen, holding a writing kit. To the writer He says, “Pass through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in it.” He instructs the executioners, “Pass through the city after him, and strike. Your eye shall not spare, and you shall show no pity . . .”
As the age comes to a close and the world once again attempts to unite in rage against God, it behooves us to be those who “sigh and groan” in prayer over the evil that is besieging the world. It is to everyone’s advantage that we not only cry out to God in desperation for the salvation and redemption of this generation, but that we take up the sword of the Spirit, proceed in faith, hope, and love and declare God’s majestic name to the nations.
We were sealed for the day of redemption, guaranteed in the Holy Spirit for that inheritance. While the world cowers in fear, looking for every escape possible, we can confidently and boldly engage this generation with the good news of Jesus Christ.
A few weeks ago my family and I were watching the classic musical, Fiddler on the Roof. The main character, Tevye, is wrestling with whether to arrange the marriage of one of his daughters to the local butcher, a much older man named Lazar Wolf. There is drinking and talking and eventually singing and dancing as Tevye consents to Lazar’s proposal (it is a musical after all). The song they belt out? To Life.
Tevye’s life is centered in family, tradition, faith and troubles. These are the elements that make up the lives of many believers. Family makes life bearable. Tradition brings order to our values. The God in whom we put our faith carries us through our troubles. In Tevye’s life, though, community is the framework within which all these elements find their truest and most valuable expression.
I have spent much of my adult life in and around Uria Village, on the slopes of Mount Somau in Papua New Guinea. Cultural differences abound. But there are four broad categories we share in common: family, tradition, faith, and troubles. We have different ways of reckoning family (we value the nuclear family, they the extended [much like Tevye]). Our traditions are different, but are still traditions. Expression of faith depends upon the person or family. Troubles are troubles.
What is Life?
Despite the differences, we all grapple with the question, “What is life?” The Somau Garia have no single word for “life”, but a collection of idioms that hint at life’s meaning. Westerners, especially Americans, talk of “the good life”, referring to ease or wealth or amassing goods, or holding power over others. Experience teaches us that these are hallow pursuits that end poorly–no matter how fun the journey seems.
Satan waves shiny trinkets before our eyes to draw us away from true treasure. If he can distract us just long enough to derail our faith, values, traditions, families, or communities, he has won a battle in this great war.
There is no short way to answer “What is life?” Perhaps we might just catch the slightest essence of its meaning by looking a few passages from the Bible. If we catch just a whiff, we might gain some advantage over our adversary, trumping his lies with capital “T” truth. We might cast off the temporary for the lasting.
A few Old Testament passages might enlighten us. Consider the following:
Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.
Genesis 2:7, NLT
From a lump of dirt God formed a magnificent, complex being, made not only of flesh and bone and blood, but also of soul and spirit. Paul later refers to our bodies as “tents” that we inhabit while on this earth. So there is one kind of life in the body, but there is more to us than just body.
Ezekiel has a rather strange vision of a valley filled with dry bones. Despite its strangeness, we gain insight about the nature of life from it.
4 Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!6 I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”
Ezekiel 37:4-6, NLT
Notice the consistency in how the beginning of life is referenced. In Genesis God breathes life into Adam’s nostrils. In Ezekiel prophesies that God himself will put breath into the dead, dried up, rotting bones and they would not only have sinews, muscles, and skin but that they would stand on their feet, comprising a vast army! What was dead he would make alive again. What was a chattel house of death would become a living army that would make his name known.
Dead and Raised
Paul writes in Colossians that we were dead in our sins and that we were buried with Christ when we were baptized (2:12). Just as we were once dry bones, dead and wasting away in our sin, God himself buried us in the grave and raised it to life by faith. When he raised us, he didn’t bring us back to life to leave us in the same condition that caused us to be death, he raised us by his mighty power and gave us all that we need for eternal life and godliness. He took our sin away and made us stand in grace.
Satan would have us believe that our ongoing failure and sin defines us. He is a liar. We are defined by the life, death, resurrection, and ongoing priesthood of Jesus Christ. We stand in that place of unmerited favor where God our Father loves us, disciplines us, and makes us holy so that we might know him (and make him known).
Lasting and True
Jesus prays for us in John 17, saying to the Father:
And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
John 17:3, ESV
So death is marked by slavery to the demands of the flesh, the world, and the devil. It is characterized by lying tongues, sexual immorality, unbridled anger, malice, hatred, covetousness, idolatry and a multitude of others. Death is characterized by a single characteristic that encapsulates them all: selfishness which might also be called devotion to self.
Life is marked by love, compassion, humility, patience, generosity, forgiveness, and a knowledge of God–not knowledge about God, but knowing him in the deepest and truest sense. It’s an intimate knowledge that is shaped by respect, honor, obedience, affection, and love. It is a selflessness that finds its completion in God the Father and Jesus Christ his Son.
All is Christ
Have you ever written a love letter? It is common to include the phrase, “You are my life.” It means that a person lives solely for the beloved. Paul reminds us that Christ is our Beloved, the one for whom we live:
When Christ who is your lifeappears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3:4, ESV
God breathed life into us. He gave us a body, soul and spirit. He knew our frailty in being made from dust and, knowing we would fail and fall into sin, created us anyway. He breathed life into us. Having died and been buried with Jesus Christ, he breathed life into us a second time.
For the believer, life is being raised with Christ, hidden in Him, joined to Him, adopted through Christ into God’s family. Life is a transformative experience where we are invited to put off death and put on life. As Paul writes, Christ is our life.
The Hard Road to Victory
You want victory over the adversary? You want to make his name known throughout the nations? You want to shake the gates of Hell in your generation? Live in the reality that this earth and these years are merely temporary. Live with eternity in view. Put off the obscenity and absurdity of this generation. Put on Christ.
After all, Christ is your life. How can you live any other way?
It is no secret that the mind is a spiritual battleground. Here Satan plies his wares of lies and lusts, tugging at the flesh to pull the pilgrim away to destruction. To protect our minds from the attacks of the enemy, we do well to cultivate a hedge of Truth.
A few weeks ago, my family and I were discussing what Truth to focus on together in 2019. We settled on the early paragraphs of Colossians chapter three, which build upon Colossians 2:12:
“For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.”
Paul writes:
“If then, you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”
As the world presses in upon us, it relentlessly pushes its message in our faces: smartphones, social media, billboards, TV, etc.. If we aren’t diligent, our minds can become polluted, distracted and blunted. We must operate in reality if we are to win the battle for the mind, and that reality is not bound up in the temporary. To operate there, we need to set our affections there. But how can we fix our minds on something so other as the heavenly realms? Are we left merely to our imaginations?
Bible teacher Alistair Begg rightly points out that we are not merely fixing our minds on a place so much as a person. In the “above”, God the Father sits enthroned over all. At His right hand sits the victorious Son, who overcame sin and death in order that we might be with him where he is.
Where is the Son? What is he doing there? Plant a seed of Truth by taking a few moments away from whatever device you are using to read this. Quiet your mind. Grab a Bible and read through Hebrews chapters 8 through 10. Finished? Read through it again, chewing on passages that jump out at you. Lay your Bible before you and kneel (if you are able) and begin to talk to God in prayer about what you read there. Who are you in relation to who He is?
There is much more to be said on this topic, but I’ll leave you with a short passage that sums things up pretty well:
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest . . .” —Hebrews 6:19-20
He has gone before the face of God to prepare the way for us to join him there. Now there’s something to set you to thinking!
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